Who and what is SMiGS?

An overview of what we are all about.

Enhancing Fellowship and Philanthropy through golf

Do you need to know more about SMiGS?

The Society (known as SMiGS because golf societies like acronyms) is a Pan Livery initiative aimed at bolstering support for the playing of golf by Liverymen, at events organised by Livery Companies, with other Liverymen.

It aspires to reach out to the large number of Liverymen who don’t currently seem to play golf in a Livery context – YOUR LIVERY NEEDS YOU!

The site endeavours to show Liverymen the benefits of playing wonderful golf courses with people with whom they have at least two things in common before they start playing – they are golfers and they are Liverymen.

Charles Attlee
Charles Attlee

Charles was Master Innholder 2016/17. He is a Solicitor, a member of the City Livery Yacht Club and assistant organiser for London Scottish Golf Club Vets.

Ian Davies

Ian was Master Spectacle Maker 2021/22. He is member of the City Livery Club and the RAC. Having trained as an optometrist in Manchester, he spent his career working for multi-national eyecare corporations. He started playing golf while working in Florida and living in Sawgrass by the TPC course. Now retired he lives in Ascot and has played for some 25 years at Sandmartins Golf Club in Wokingham, trying to break 85.

Keith Baker

Keith is a Liveryman with the Fan Makers and the Scriveners, and is the former Honorary Solicitor of the City Livery Club. He is a past Captain of the City Livery Club Golf Society, and past Chair of the Broad Street Ward Club.

The Society is managed by the Golf Section of the City Livery Club, whose Patron is the Lord Mayor.

The Society consists of the Livery Companies, Guilds seeking Livery status, Companies without livery and Ward Clubs. When we refer to Liverymen or Livery Company we include all four categories of participant.

The Society functions through a golf contact or organiser at a participant. The Society does not offer individual membership. If you are a golf contact not yet within the Society framework or you are a golfing Liveryman and you wish to be involved with the Society and its aspirations, please contact us.

Alderman Sir William Russell (Haberdasher, Feltmaker, Pavior)

Sir William may be best known for having served two consecutive years as Lord Mayor. However there are multiple aspects of his very busy life. His sporting prowess is significant but limited in practice owing to the large number of roles he fills in Corporation Committees, financial services and the charitable sector. The latter includes having served, until recently, as chair of Prostate Cancer UK.

He is currently the chair of the Barbican Committee and Master Haberdasher in 2025.

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